Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Pushing Daisies

I find that it is often in the area of TV viewing that I am out-of-synch with the general public. Sometimes I have a lot of company, sometimes very little. My latest issue is the proposed cancellation of Pushing Daisies. The last time I like a show this much was Sports Night, and that didn't have a very long shelf life (fodder for another post). So here we are, in 2008, and there are very, very few shows that stand out, that have a different sensibility. So of course, ABC wants to cancel it. Do they listen to the rather forceful outcry from the show's fans? They do not. Once again, the vast wasteland extends it's dry border. Alas.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Tammy Syndrome

I decided to start a blog because I realized that my personal tastes have, for much of my life, been just a little bit out of whack with the majority of the population. I had noticed this more and more often in recent years, but it was just the other day that I realized this problem began was I was merely 12 or so years old. Barbie was new; so was Tammy. Did I ask for Barbie for Christmas? No, I didn't want a doll that looked so, well, plastic. I wanted Tammy-a wholesome, friendly-looking teenager, who was quite a bit more anatomically realistic. So, I got Tammy for Christmas (the only time I remember successfully finding my Christmas present before-time), and I loved her. In time, I outgrew dolls, and my school had a drive to collect "gently-used" toys for less fortunate children for Christmas. I packed up my Tammy and her adorable outfits in a box, and sent her and her fluffy dog off to make some other little girl as happy as she had made me.

Here's the thing-as an adult I always seem to be out of the mainstream. And that is what I plan to blog about. Please feel free to comment and let me know when you, too, feel that the world is out of synch with you.

I admit, I am hopeful that the world may be turning my way, thanks to the recent election. Time will tell.